The Hardy Boys - Lucky Fellows by Phillip M. Pollock
The Hardy Boys - Lucky Fellows is the author's look back at the book
series that intrigued him at the age of twelve. Through full-color
photos of the books, quotes and a solid recall on the Hardy Boys'
adventures over forty volumes, a genial and sensitive story is told
about why juvenile readers fell in love with the boy detectives. The
author confesses that the vivid colors and designs of the dust covers on
the books were the original selling point in his desire to read every
Hardy Boys book available to him as a young reader. The cover
illustrations were stunning, and even today, they are a major reason why
collectors look on used book store shelves for these fiction gems. The
stories are almost secondary in the desire to own the books, but if you
read them, you see just how outlandish and quirky the stories were.
After all, two 15 and 16 year-old brothers were solving major crimes in a
town called Bayport - crimes that the police and their father, famous
private detective in his own right, could not solve. They frequently
faced death-defying situations, only to be, almost comically, "lucky" to
escape. The author has subjectively chosen the series' end as the
fortieth volume, even though many more books were printed. The chosen
number was not arbitrary. The fortieth book in the series signaled the
end of the beautiful dust jackets, with later volumes printed less
impressively by having the artwork applied directly to the linen
hard-cover backing of the book. So, in addition to the author's story
about these cool-as-a-cucumber young detectives, The Hardy Boys - Lucky
Fellows serves as a beautiful, full-color reference to the artwork of
those first forty books. If you are are Hardy Boys juvenile fiction fan,
you'll need to own this.
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