The Hardy Boys Mysteries, 1927-1979: A Cultural and Literary History

The Hardy Boys Mysteries, 1927-1979: A Cultural and Literary History by Mark Connelly
Hardcover due in May 2008.
Description (from the publisher McFarland & Company)
In its 80 year history, the Hardy Boys series has sold over 50 million books in over 25 languages, and it has inspired five television series and many stage plays, websites, comic books, graphic novels, and computer games. It has shaped the way millions of American children see themselves and society, and has shaped the way young people around the world perceive American values. This book follows the birth and development of the original Hardy Boys series, and follows their history through 1979. Topics covered include the writing of Stratemeyer and McFarlane; the so-called “weird period;” the Cold War and the disco age; race, class and gender; family values; law and order; and the use of action rather than violence. Appendices provide a bibliography of Hardy Boys books, opening lines from 20 novels, and selected “Hardyisms.”

About the Author
Mark Connelly is an English instructor at Milwaukee Area Technical College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.